平成14年5月10日 相洋高校保護者会での演奏
< Return > On May 10 2002, SoyoDaiko played at Soyo High School in front of many parents. |
The "Essa Odawara" became
one of their major play since last year. This is the latest and most happiest
play among their plays. Composed by Mr. Kobayashi of SoyoDaiko. Go like
"Essa", "Essa",,, |
We use full of stage
and full of our abilities. Many taiko players and dancers play this with full
of their happy faces. With this play, audiences can not sit on their chair
quietly. Go "Essa","Essa",,,, |
The "Yu" is a short
play normally played between. Composed by Mr. Hasegawa of SoyoDaiko (9th
member). |
The "Chichibu Yatai
Bayashi" has been so popular in Taiko world and played by many teams. This
is the one of most known traditional Taiko play. We do this in Soyo style
that is different than original. |
保護者会で、@えっさ小田原、Aゆう(幕間の曲)、B秩父屋台囃子の3曲を演奏しました。 これらの曲は相洋太鼓の定番曲です。例年行われるこの保護者会には新一年生のお父さんお母さんが多数参加されますので、威勢の良い相洋太鼓にはじめて接して驚かれた父兄も多いのではないかと思います。 かく言う管理人もその一人です。(5年前の話ですが) 今から夏にかけてどんどん練習してレパートリーを消化してゆかないと間に合わないよ〜。 頑張って! At this Parents meeting, SoyoDaiko played (1) Essa Odawara, (2) Yu and (3) Chichibu Yatai Bayashi. There must be many parents surprised by looking and hearing at their play since many parents for new students participated today as first time. Hope they liked SoyoDaiko. |
All rights reserved (C) 2002 T.Baba
All pictures above are provided by SoyoDaiko from their Video. |