感動成田劇場 第十四幕関東一の太鼓祭り
Mt. Narita Taiko Festival
・本堂への階段を上るとそこは太鼓広場。 すでに太鼓の音がズシンズシンと響いてきます.
Approach to Shinshoji temple in Mt. Narita
Many people gathered in front of the temple.
View from the Temple
From the side of the stage
女性がすごくがんばっている! 立ち姿がとてもきれいな太鼓です

This is a good shot I liked much !


Their unique move is very attractive and never seen like this before.
Edo Sakura Daiko
Fujieda Daiko
・日向ぼっこするカメさん。いっぱいいたよ! こんなにカメさん見たことないな〜

Many turtles enjoy warm spring sun. Do they get sun tan ?
・独特の太鼓です。 お祭りらしい太鼓ですね
Hane Daiko from Choshi. This is a very unique style Taiko only known in this Choshi area.
Junior and High school of Korean race played their traditional dancing with small Drum on the chest. Very beautiful indeed !
A girl waiting parade on the shopping arcade

・担ぎ桶のそろい打ちは軽快でいいな〜。 好きだなこういうの!

The team called "Raibu". They carry Katsugi Okedo Taiko, "Hanging Drum from their shoulder". The team members were came to know each other through internet and form a company when and where they play. Very nice Taiko !

馬場パパも初めて出かけてきました。 ここでは14日に撮影したビデオと写真から当日の様子をお送りします。 本堂前広場、信徒会館前、駐車場、、いろんな場所から太鼓、ジャンベ、琴、尺八、いろいろな音がしてにぎやかな楽しい一日でした。でも時間見ながら本堂に登ったり降りたりしていたら結構疲れましたね〜。

On April 13 and 14 2002, Huge Taiko festival was held at Mt. Narita, Shinshoji Temple. About 25 Taiko teams participated and shown us their play. They have many places to play not only in front of the temple but also some parking and corner of the shopping arcade.
The pictures above are taken by SONY TRV20 digital video camera or Canon EOS55 with 28 to 300 MM Tamron zoom lens.
All rights reserved (C) 2002 T.Baba